DCON Forms
Below are forms necessary for all attendees to complete (3 per each attendee). Please upload to this form prior to convention. Each attendee may fill out the form themselves.
SUBMIT HERE: https://forms.gle/yrZNmNW6QtH7PTS98
Medical Waiver - Student
Medical Waiver - Adult
Code of Conduct
Register Voting Delegates Here: https://forms.gle/RL1MCvfpynV6xA1G6
Each club is allowed two (2) delegates to be seated in the House of Delegates voting for next year’s members of the District Board. It is important that each of our schools is represented and take part. Please complete the Voting Delegate google form. Paper forms will not be accepted.
SUBMIT HERE: https://forms.gle/yrZNmNW6QtH7PTS98
Medical Waiver - Student
Medical Waiver - Adult
Code of Conduct
Register Voting Delegates Here: https://forms.gle/RL1MCvfpynV6xA1G6
Each club is allowed two (2) delegates to be seated in the House of Delegates voting for next year’s members of the District Board. It is important that each of our schools is represented and take part. Please complete the Voting Delegate google form. Paper forms will not be accepted.
For Candidates
Please view candidates page here
Please view candidates page here