Candidate Information
Are you passionate about leading Key Clubbers with WIUM? If you’re interested in joining the Wisconsin Upper Michigan District Board by running for office at the District Leadership Conference (DCON), please complete the following forms by February 7,2025 to be included in the program. Submissions after this date until DCON may not be in the program but are encouraged to run!
Select the appropriate Service Agreement form for the office with which you intend to run. Carefully read, agree to the items listed, sign as the candidate. Then, ask for all other required signatures before submitting. It is important that your school and family understand and agree to the time commitment as a District Board member.
District Governor
District Director of Committees
District Secretary-Treasurer
District Bulletin Editor
District K-Family Outreach Coordinator
Lieutenant Governor
Depending on the position you intent to run for office, please read the following caucusing procedures. Sample questions you may be asked during the caucus sessions will appear in the District Leadership Conference (DCON) program.