Awards, Contests, & Scholarships
All submissions are due on February 7th.
Award submissions will be through a Google Form for each award. Please read each carefully and submit all required parts of the award. While we encourage all of our District Key Clubs to submit candidates for all of the award categories listed below and attend the District Leadership Conference to be recognized, we realize this is not possible. With the exception of the contest section, those interested do not need to be present at DCON in order to apply for an award or scholarship.
Submissions are forms that will open prior to DCON; please see the attached document of criteria any time throughout the year!
WIUM Key Club Distinguished Officer Criteria
Key Club Guidebook
Award submissions will be through a Google Form for each award. Please read each carefully and submit all required parts of the award. While we encourage all of our District Key Clubs to submit candidates for all of the award categories listed below and attend the District Leadership Conference to be recognized, we realize this is not possible. With the exception of the contest section, those interested do not need to be present at DCON in order to apply for an award or scholarship.
Submissions are forms that will open prior to DCON; please see the attached document of criteria any time throughout the year!
WIUM Key Club Distinguished Officer Criteria
Key Club Guidebook
Outstanding Club Reporting and Recording Award Outstanding Club Website Award Outstanding Divisional Unity Award Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award Outstanding Freshman Award Outstanding Sophomore Award Outstanding Junior Award Outstanding Senior Award Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award Kiwanis Sponsorship Support Award Best Fundraiser Award District Service Hours Award Preferred Charities Award Governor's Project Award Sandy Nininger Award |
DISTINGUISHED AWARDSBelow are the Distinguished Awards presented at our District Leadership Conference (DCON) to recognize the achievements and efforts of officers who go above and beyond in the world of service:
Distinguished Club President Award Distinguished Club Vice President Award Distinguished Club Secretary Award Distinguished Club Treasurer Award Distinguished Club Bulletin Editor Award Distinguished Club Webmaster Award Distinguished Club Member Award INTERNATIONAL AWARDS |
Below are the awarded scholarships at our District Leadership Conference (DCON):
Michael Brukwicki Memorial Scholarship - criteria available here
Kathy Gillis Memorial Scholarship - criteria available here
Michael Brukwicki Memorial Scholarship - criteria available here
Kathy Gillis Memorial Scholarship - criteria available here
Below are the contests held and judged at our District Leadership Conference (DCON). Winners will be recognized throughout the weekend:
Club Video
Please email form and video to [email protected].
Club T-Shirt Design
Impromptu Essay - will be posted at DCON
Oratorical Speech - You can find the topic in the criteria linked.
Poster (Digital & Non-Digital)
Physical copies or digital copies need to be brought to convention.
Scrapbook Entry
Please bring physical scrapbooks to convention for judging.
Please e-mail digital scrapbook to [email protected].
Please email form and video to [email protected].
Club T-Shirt Design
Impromptu Essay - will be posted at DCON
Oratorical Speech - You can find the topic in the criteria linked.
Poster (Digital & Non-Digital)
Physical copies or digital copies need to be brought to convention.
Scrapbook Entry
Please bring physical scrapbooks to convention for judging.
Please e-mail digital scrapbook to [email protected].