Divisional Council Meetings (DCM)
A Division Council Meeting, or DCM, is scheduled by your Lieutenant Governor four times a year. These meetings are open to all Key Club members and advisors. Typically, the meetings will move around the Division so that all clubs will be able to participate and no one needs to drive a great distance all the time. The purposes of these meetings are to:
1. Train club officers 2. Announce upcoming district events 3. Plan divisional projects 4. Let clubs share information/success stories/problems about projects and fundraisers 5. Educate clubs about international programs and partners 6. Meet new people within the division and find out how other nearby clubs operate 7. Answer club member questions If you have not had contact with your Lieutenant Governor (LTG) regarding a DCM, please contact District Administrator Sarah Nolan at [email protected] and she will connect you with your LTG.